Domestic Violence

Politics naturally involves debate, disagreement, and differences of opinion. To the open eye and observant mind it should be evident that there is a coherent relationship between the original teachings of the Sacred Scriptures and Miracles, which are the legitimate manifestations of the supernatural, to wit:The infinite power of God may be accessed by man, through faith and in accordance to the Will of God, to over come any perceived or real limitation in whatever circumstance he may find himself.

And in my view, circumstantial evidence is never adequate to validate supernatural events. As a Hungarian citizen during World war II he avoided capture by the Gestapo for holding political science theories offensive to the Fascist government. When the sexist ideology of the spirit possession cult is viewed from the perspective of the politically ambitious female, society may become plunged into a political war of the sexes.

Believers also note that while some people have denied the existence of supernatural phenomena through intellectually honest means, having been persuaded by reason, evidence, and experience that the supernatural does not exist, others have denied the supernatural out of a deep fear that supernatural forces might actually exist and have a real and HBO // The Sinner tangible impact on our lives, and a fear that the universe might be more complex than their theories allow.

Cult of personality may be found on all social levels including business, religion, and politics (not all politicians cultivate such a cult) and it is hard to identify. I remain a member of the spiritual Church of God that isn't bound by membership lists at the mercy of men.

Lack of correct teaching in the areas of business, politics, governments, education, community and vocation has made the church despise and withdraw from the very and most important institutions of society in which God wants us to be productive and take charge.

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